Sunday, November 11, 2007

Tidbit #6

Social networking IS Web 2.0. There are many library systems that have incorporated it into their sites but many that have not. Some people even argue it is unsafe for it to be part of a library's web presence. Read what YALSA has to say about it and what we can do to educate our customers about being savvy online:

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Tidbit #5

Here's a word and definition that is disctinctly Web 2.0:

Folksonomy (also known as collaborative tagging , social classification, social indexing, social tagging, and other names) is the practice and method of collaboratively creating and managing tags to annotate and categorize content. In contrast to traditional subject indexing, metadata is not only generated by experts but also by creators and consumers of the content. Usually, freely chosen keywords are used instead of a controlled vocabulary.[1]

From Wikipedia

Monday, November 5, 2007

Tidbit #4

Be everywhere, Be somewhere!

This prophetic line came from Joe Janes and his fabulous keynote speech Reference 2.0: Ain’t What It Used to Be…And It Never Will Again.

The basic concept behind his speech was: you have to be somewhere (a physical space) AND you have to be everywhere (a web presence, etc). A library is no longer a just a physical space, it exists on the ground and on the web. In this world of information overload and people doing their own research at home we have to evolve in the ways we provide reference service.

One thing that won't change soon.....print is our secret weapon!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Tidbit #3

Lee Rainie, Founding Director for the Pew Internet & American Life project presented the keynote speech on 10/29. The topic: typology of technology users. Are you a highly wired omnivore, an indifferent, or somwhere in between? There are three levels of elite, middle and low level users. He presented a bunch of great statistics and demographics.

Take the quiz to see where you land....

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Tidbit #2

Flickr allows you to post and share photos with your friends online. A very cool feature is that you can tag your photos with words they can be search by. You get to come up with your own subject headings! Best of all its FREE!
Sign-up is easy and if you already have a Yahoo account it only takes a minute to get started with uploading your pics.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Internet Librarian - Tidbit #1

I’ve started this blog to post some of cool things I learned while at Internet Librarian 2007. Monterey was fabulous and there was even an earthquake! The only sad part was that I didn’t make it to the aquarium. :(
First tidbit:
Get yourself an account on allows you to share your favorites with all your freinds. As a social bookmarking site you can take your favorite bookmarks everywhere AND see what your friends and others are bookmarking.